How To Control Panic Attacks in economic uncertainty   by Philip Harman





Anxiety and Panic Attacks are very high in these times of economic uncertainty. Here are some helpful ideas on How To Control Panic Attacks.

Typically panic attacks are characterised by the very rapid oncoming of crippling anxiety or terror, accompanied by any number of physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, chest pain, lightheadedness, nausea, perspiration, tingling or numbness in the hands and fingers or Feeling a loss of control. These episodes can take place at any time, even during sleep. A person experiencing a panic attack may believe that he or she is experiencing a heart attack or that death is close at hand.

The first time a individual goes through a panic attack it can feel like their whole world is coming down around them. No place feels safe to them anxiety becomes like a freight train about to run them down and no place to run. Once this happens people start to either avoid situations that make them anxious or they medicate themselves to the point where they are numb to the fear. I am sure you will agree neither of the above is a acceptable solution. Millions of people around the world are looking for outstanding and powerful tips on how to control panic attacks. Why? Because the symptoms of these episodes are so frightening, that people have virtually gone crazy trying to stop them. Severe anxiety is possibly the single most unpleasant emotional state a human can experience, and you don't want to expose yourself to it for one day more than you have to. Pleasing news, panic attacks are very treatable!

The most beneficial way to stop or control panic attacks is to stop them before they happen. Reduce you overall stress level. This can be done by exercise, meditation, or a occassional massage. Identify all the thoughts you have that are contributing to the panic attacks. Then you think of all the reasons those thoughts are arousing the situation and counter them with thoughts that are positive. Utilize things like constructive self talk and deep breathing exercises breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Cut back on your use of Caffeine, Sugar and Alcohol all of these make symptoms worse. Catch some Z's (sleep) this is very important but overlooked by many.


About the Author

Written by Philip Harman who lives in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. You can learn a lot more about how to control panic attacks at:



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