Overview :
Arians can expect a wonderful year ahead with signs of tremendous success in various domains suggested by the Aries horoscope 2009. You will definitely do well in education and those appearing for competitive exams in the year 2009 are likely to succeed in flying colors. Other areas like career, wealth, business, health, travel, love, marital and family life will also be on the high in the coming year 2009 for all born under the Aries sun sign.
Career : Aries horoscope 2009 tells you to get ready to be lucky in all matters related to career and finance all through the coming year. Those into business are likely to receive huge gains and success and even service men could get news of promotion! The 2009 horoscope Aries also has good things in store for politicians and others on higher seats of authority. You could get famous, get lots of respect and recognition and even enjoy higher positions in the year 2009. However, the month of June could bring both positive and negative results in some areas.
Love : Love horoscope for Aries 2009 too has some real good news for lovers. The coming year will give you ample scope for success in your love and marital affairs. In fact, Aries forecast 2009 indicates strong chances of you getting into a long-term relationship. However, do not indulge in any love matters during the months of July, October and November in 2009 as there are chances of the opposite sex betraying you.
Lucky Color : Midnight Blue
Lucky Month : June
Lucky Holiday Spot : Thailand

Overview : The year 2009 does not seem to be very good for Taureans. The Taurus horoscope 2009 suggests that due to the position of Jupiter in thed eighth house all round the coming year, tensions could arise in various fields. You are likely to face health disorders. There could be a signal of some bad news or other problems in different domains.
Career : You can heave a sigh of relief in the field of career and finance though as Taurus horoscope 2009 brings you good news and success here. January to May are the months where you will get huge gains and rewards in the form of fame, money, success in business and even higher sources of income. In fact, be ready to get much more than you had actually thought during this period. 2009 horoscope for Taurus also brings good news for those into Film Industry.
Love : If career will be on a high, love affairs will witness troubles for Taurus during the year 2009. Your love horoscope states that you are likely to experience some sour moments in your love life in the form of misunderstandings or other tensions. There could be chances of some real serious problems too due to these. Taurus forecast tells you to be wary especially in love matters during the year 2009. There are also chances of an old friend meeting you after a very long time and you could indulge in extravagant spending on him/her too.
Lucky Color : Tones of Red
Lucky Month : February
Lucky Holiday Spot : Caribbean

Overview : Overall a very good year for you. According to the Gemini horoscope 2009, the position of both Saturn and Jupiter is quite lucky and brings great results in all areas.
Career : Those born under Gemini will experience huge success in matters of career, business or finance in 2009. Chances of a new and better prospect job are quite high as per the 2009 horoscope of Gemini. Those involved in Politics will also be rewarded with higher positions of authority and fame in all you do.
Gemini forecast 2009 also clearly indicates that due to the Saturn and Jupiter being favorably situated, you are also likely to earn large wealth quite unexpectedly! Businessmen will also see huge success and may also take new steps to further boost their business. For Gemini students too, the horoscope 2009 brings good news, though you will have to work quite hard to make your dreams work.
Love : Gemini sun sign reigns in the area of love in 2009. You are likely to get married in the coming year. Love would also blossom as you find your 'perfect someone' soon. For those already in love, your bond would definitely grow stronger. Love horoscope for Gemini 2009 is particularly lucky for women.
Lucky Color : Sunset Yellow
Lucky Month : August
Lucky Holiday Spot : Goa

Overview : Cancer horoscope 2009 predicts that the coming year will be fairly good for you all. Cancerians will see success in different areas concerning career, wealth, health, love matters, travel and family life.
Career : Although the year 2009 would bring good results in your profession or business, it is advisable that you work harder to achieve greater gains. The Cancer horoscope 2009 also indicates that the year might turn out to be unlucky in wealth and financial matters and you may have to face some money constraints too. However, do not lose heart as the situation would improve soon. Those in business would see fairly good results, but extraordinary success can come with a lot of hard work, as predicted by the 2009 horoscope Cancer.
During the first 6 months of 2009, you are likely to make more expenditure too. However, things are likely to change sometime after September. Cancer forecast 2009 for students brings both good and bad results, which can definitely change with more hard work.
Love : The first few months in 2009 can be both good and bad for love related issues. Love horoscope for 2009 predicts some tensions with your beloved, which could even result in major fights and misgivings. It is only after August that the situation would change and you will get to hear some good news. There are also chances of meeting an old-time friend after long. Cancerians beware of taking hasty decisions that you might have to feel sorry for later.
Lucky Color : Golden Yellow
Lucky Month : April
Lucky Holiday Spot : Venice

Overview : The year 2009 brings in mixed news for Leos in different areas. Leo horoscope 2009 says that while you may be very lucky in matters of wealth and business and may also shine in your career, love may not blossom all that much this year.
Career : With Jupiter and Rahu being favorably situated in the fifth and seventh houses respectively, you will face huge success in your profession, particularly after June. If you still do not have a job, no worries as 2009 horoscope for Leo brings good news of a job or even business options for you. You are also likely to have more sources of income than before. But be wary of making investments in business in the first six months as there could be some obstacles your way. Also, the Leo horoscope 2009 clearly indicates that you need to work very hard during this particular phase to make things work.
Love : Things are not as good on the love front, though. The love horoscope for 2009 states that you may have to fight things at home as they express disapproval for your relationship. You also need to exercise a lot of caution in deciding who is your friend and who is your foe in the coming year. There could be chances where you land up in trouble because of the company you are in. Love forecast 2009 for Leo also brings in some good news. You may meet your dream partner this year and enter into a long-term relationship too. Be prepared for both good and bad news from September to December 2009.
Lucky Color : Earthy Browns
Lucky Month : May
Lucky Holiday Spot : Kerala

Overview : The coming year 2009 is not going to be very smooth for Virgo. There would be pressures creeping in from all ends; on the career front, in financial matters, health-related problems, or family life. However, the Virgo horoscope 2009 suggests that you can overcome all the tensions with a little hard work and determination.
Career : Things will not be easy for you on the career front and in order to gain success, you really need to pull up your socks. According to the Virgo horoscope 2009, you are likely to face a number of roadblocks in your career path. However, all this can be overcome with your determination to move on despite all odds.
Virgos will also make a lot of expenditure in the coming year and money will not remain in your hands for long. The 2009 horoscope for Virgo also indicates chances of some kind of pressure being put on you by the government. In matters of business, you need to be really wary, especially while making investments. Chances are that a wrong or hasty decision could result in a major loss. Virgo horoscope also states that owing to all these problems in the areas of career, finance and business, you may be perpetually stressed out during the year 2009. However, some good news is likely to come in the month of September when things start improving career-wise.
Love : Love horoscope for Virgo in 2009 is quite good though. Compared to your results on the career front, you prove to be luckier in love matters in the year ahead. Marriage is very much on the cards and you would soon find your spouse in the coming year. Virgo forecast 2009 suggests lots of love coming your way in the next year. So be ready to enjoy the magic of romance all year through!
Lucky Color : Wine Red
Lucky Month : March
Lucky Holiday Spot : Phuket

Overview : Libra horoscope 2009 shows positive signs of good results in the coming year in various domains of career, love and family life, health and travel. The year would be overall good for you so just sit back and relax.
Career : On the career front, things remain stable, as predicted by Libra horoscope 2009. You will have a fair amount of money at all times of the year nothing more and nothing less than needed. Just the right balance! You are also likely to see huge gains in business, which may be the result of some new moves that you make in the direction. The 2009 horoscope for Libra also shows signs of a monetary gain coming your way, which you hadn't expected of course. Those without a job will get to hear good news in 2009. Even those involved in politics, or at other higher seats of authority, are likely to gain more power and position.
However, the Libra forecast 2009 also warns of some tensions in the second half of the year i.e. after June. You could face problems, even losses, in business. You are also likely to spend much more than you actually earn. But you need not worry too much as things would, more or less, remain stable throughout the year.
Love : There would be good news for Librans on the love front in 2009. You are very likely to get married in the coming year or could even enter into a relationship. There are chances that you would make new friends in the coming year, even of the opposite sex, where the attraction is likely to be quite strong. The love horoscope 2009 for Libra also predicts that your beloved or a dear one would give you some special, memorable gift. Now that's some real good news. However, be cautious during the two months of July and August, when there could be some tensions with loved ones or even in your relationship with your beloved.
Lucky Color : Rose Pink
Lucky Month : October
Lucky Holiday Spot : Hawaii

Overview : This year may not be very good for you. The Scorpio horoscope 2009 predicts that you will have to face a lot of tensions in your domestic life and outside. Even professional life will be very demanding and you would have to put in a lot of effort to make things work. In short, a tough going in 2009 for Scorpio.
Career : For matters of career and finance, the first few months of 2009 are not too good. Those involved in business may have to face a tough time during this particular phase. Scorpio horoscope 2009 also brings bad news for those without a job. You will really have to fight it out in the coming year. You are also likely to indulge in heavy spending that may create an imbalance in your financial status. However, the situation is likely to change in the latter part of the year, probably after June-July, as predicted by 2009 horoscope for Scorpio.
Love : Unlike a tough time in your career, you will enjoy a relatively good phase in your love life in the coming year. Love horoscope for Scorpio 2009 states that you may find your dream partner in the first few months of the year. This means that this particular time of the year is really lucky for Scorpions. Those already in a relationship are also likely to get some good news. Your bond may get stronger. Things may take a negative turn in the latter half of 2009 and Scorpio forecast warns you to be wary during this time.
Lucky Color : Shades of Pink
Lucky Month : December
Lucky Holiday Spot : Malaysia

Overview : 2009 is a mixed year for Sagittarius, meaning that it may bring both good as well as bad news on different fronts. However, according to the Sagittarius horoscope 2009, things may not be that bad and would be more or less under control. You just need to be a little cautious.
Career : Be ready for mixed results in 2009 in all matters of wealth, career and finance. Sagittarius horoscope 2009 brings some really good news in the first 6 months of the year when you would receive huge gains in business, wealth and immense respect in the society. The jobless are likely to find a good job too in the year ahead. However, the positive signs would remain only till June, after which you may have to face some problems. There could be huge expenditure on your part or other such tensions on the career front.
Love : The 2009 horoscope of Sagittarius brings some great news for you in matters of heart. Love would blossom, you may enter into new relationships and the existing ones would become stronger, as predicted by the love horoscope 2009. Your forecast also indicates chances of some real adventure coming your way in love matters this year. What could it be needs to be seen. Be wary of some of your friends as they could be a cause of problem for you in the year ahead.
Lucky Color : Rainbow Pastels
Lucky Month : November
Lucky Holiday Spot : Singapore

Overview : 2009 horoscope for Capricorn is fairly good and you may see positive results in most areas like career, love and domestic life, travel and health.
Career : On the career front, Capricorn horoscope 2009 brings some really good news. Your hard work will bear excellent results. You will also gain more sources of income than before, earn higher respect in the society and enjoy financial gains in the coming year. Those who do not have a job have strong chances of getting one, as indicated by the Capricorn forecast 2009. Even those involved in politics and business would get good results in the coming year. For students, the year is exceptionally good as you stand strong chances of excelling in competitive exams or job interviews.
Love : In matters of heart too, Capricorn will be at a favorable position. Your love horoscope for 2009 suggests that you have lots to gain in your relationship in the coming year. There are chances that you may find your dream partner and those in love stand a chance of getting married in 2009. Overall a good year for all those in relationships. You need to be wary though in the latter half of the year when problems could arise in the family due to your relationship.
Lucky Color : Sky Blue
Lucky Month : May
Lucky Holiday Spot : Paris

Overview : Overall, a good year for Aquarians. You will gain success in different fields as suggested by the Aquarius horoscope 2009. It is likely that you may get some unexpected good news too in the coming year.
Career : Good news for those involved in business, employed or unemployed. You will get fairly good results in your respective profession. Aquarius horoscope 2009 clearly indicates that your career will be on a high during this year, thus resulting in more respect amongst the society. You need not worry about your finances too as the situation would remain balanced all through the year. In fact, there are chances of an unexpected financial gain too. Plans made in the last year would now be realized and finally bear results - for the good. The 2009 horoscope for Aquarius also shows signs of a change in your stream of profession, most likely for the better. Expect a promotion or an appraisal. Even students would find the year 2009 satisfactory to their expectations.
Love : Love horoscope for Aquarius in 2009 has some really good news coming your way. If you have been wanting to get married to your beloved for long, your wait ends this year. There are chances of your marriage soon. You may enter into new relationships and the existing ones will grow stronger. However, be wary especially between June to August as this time would not be favorable for love matters, as predicted by the Aquarius love forecast 2009. You could face tensions, arguments or misgivings with your beloved and even your family could express disapproval of your relationship.
Lucky Color : Silver Grey
Lucky Month : September
Lucky Holiday Spot : France

Overview : Pisces horoscope 2009 seems to be very lucky for all those born in this water sign. You are likely to get good news from all fronts and there would be joy all around. Enjoy the year ahead and see your long-time wishes come true.
Career : Career will be on a high for most time of the year. Pisces horoscope 2009 suggests that those employed in jobs or running their own business will get some real good news. Even the unemployed are likely to find a suitable job in the coming year. Overall, 2009 would be the time to enjoy success and huge gains in matters of career and finance. In fact, you will be in a position to pay off all old debts. Success could also come through a dear friend or someone close to you, so be on the lookout. 2009 will also bring immense respect in the society. Business will prosper and you could also have higher sources of income than before.
Love : 2009 horoscope for Pisces is also very lucky in all matters of heart. Your search for that perfect dream mate may finally end in the coming year. There are chances that you would meet your partner soon. You may also plan an outing with friends, probably a picnic or a grand party. Love horoscope for Pisces 2009 brings some real good news for you. However, you need to be really cautious while making friends as well as enemies, as you do not know who could pose a problem for you this year. Marriage is also very much on the cards, states the Pisces forecast 2009.
Lucky Color : Magenta
Lucky Month : July
Lucky Holiday Spot : Bangkok



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