Free Fitness Website: Sparkpeople's Healthier Arkansas
Monday January 5, 2009
At the risk of sounding like an advertisement, I thought I'd mention SparkPeople and their fairly new "Healthier Arkansas" team. Sparkpeople is a free website I've used off and on for years to log calories and exercise. It's kind of a like a free version of Weight Watcher's online calorie logging system, if you're familiar with that. You also get access to great recipes, fitness advice and a community of people helping you to get fit.
I think it was around November or December that I received an announcement about their new Arkansas team. The new year is a perfect time to sign up. The Arkansas team has a lot of locals who are currently talking about gyms and posing fitness challenges. I find it can be more fun to participate in fitness groups, and it brings out your competitive spirit.
So visit the SparkPeople Arkansas Team and get fit in 2009.