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Are you feeling undesirable? Are you ashamed of your pelvic area and think that it is unattractive or unappealing to your partner? Do you avoid sexual activities because your labia is unnaturally large or misshapen due to childbirth or advancing age? Does your self-esteem need a boost?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be a perfect candidate for a labiaplasty. When a woman feels that her most personal and private parts are so unattractive that she feels undesirable it can undermine her confidence particularly when she is engaged in sexual activities. This in turn leads to an unsatisfied partner and possible marital problems.
Labiaplasty is a relatively simple surgery that can work wonders for a woman's self confidence which in turn will enhance her sexual enjoyment. When the labia is enlarged or assymetrical, it is more difficult for a woman to reach an orgasm because there is not enough friction during sexual encounter. The irregularity or hypertrophy of the labia can occur as a result of multiple deliveries of children or during a very prolonged delivery or if the baby is very large. During the delivery process the labia are stretched very thin and if a woman has had multiple births then the problem is exacerabated. Sometimes the labia majora may develop varicosities during pregnancies as well as during the delivery. This can also occur from being overweight. When one ages the labia majora and minora atrophy and loose their shape as well.
Normally a woman's inner genital lips or labia minora are only seen when the legs are separated, but when the labia are enlarged they can be observed when one stands or when one wears tight fitting clothing such as pants or a bathing suit. Besides being embarrassingly noticeable, making a woman self conscious, labia enlargement may be very uncomfortable when riding a bike or during other physical activities. With some women, it can even cause dysperunia which is discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse.
Labiaplasty is a one hour procedure under a general or sedation (twilight) anesthesia, which will reduce the size as well as reshape the labia to be more aesthetic in appearance. The incisions heal very well and are not visible and the sutures are self dissolving. Many women feel that after this procedure they are more self confident and also therefore, enjoy their sexual relationship much more. The procedure entails the removal of excess mucosa however, leaving the underneath intact. There are three or more ways this can be done and a patient must discuss with her doctor which procedure he/she uses.
With some bruising and swelling after surgery and possible drainage for up to two weeks, the patient is usually back to work within a week. The patient should avoid any exercise or excess activities for three weeks. A full recovery takes approximately six weeks before sexual activities can resume.
In rare instances infection can occur which may result in scarring or changes in skin pigmentation but antiobiotics are given routinely to prevent that possible problem. If done well by reputable and experienced doctors, women are extremely happy with the results of their labiaplasty and feel that the procedure has restored their sexual pleasure and made them more confident and self assured about their desirability. Just like cosmetic procedures to other parts of ones body, labiaplasty also provides a more youthful appearance to the genital area.
About the Author
Dr. Helen Colen MD is one of the top Board Certified Plastic Surgeons in New York. Visit her website for more information about Labiaplasty