by Gordon Battle
It is good to aim for 85% of your maximum heartbeat when doing ecercise to ensure that you are well into the fat burning zone,it is best to include some cardio vascular exercises in any session as this will raise the heartbeat so that you are burning fat when you exercise.
Cardio vascular excercise When you are done doing cardio, move on to excercises that target the chest area. This will help reduce man boobs and chest fat.
A very good exercise for this as each push up will work the pectoral muscles are push ups. the muscles that lay across the chestThe biceps and the triceps. The muscles that are along the sides of your arms and over your shoulders.. Exercises that work these three sets of muscles are excellent for getting rid of chest fat when supplemented with a cardio routine. Initially keep a target of doing 20 push ups and gradually increase as long as you are feeling comfortable in exercising.
Swimming is an other exercise that helps men get rid of chest fat since it is a total body workout that targets all muscle groups. Can be like an aerobic workout and it also helps to raise the heart rate. You will soon see the results and so try to include some swimming into your exercise routine each week.
If swimming is not for you, so then it is best to concentrate on other exercises that you will be able to perform on dry land, such as bench presses,perhaps if swimming is not really your thing. These also tone up pectoral, triceps and biceps muscles and thus your gynecomastia problem can also be solved. When starting any exercise program, it is a good thing to start slow and then build up the number of sets and repetitions you do slowly. If you try to take on too much at one time the risk of an injury is higher.
As you can see there are various gynecomastia treatments which can help you lose chest fat over time, reduce man boobs and make sure that you look great.
Hence include few exercise into your weekly routine and keep a watch on your diet so that extra fat on chest is avoided due to bad eating habits
To enable you to begin to see a reduction in chest fat and an increase in you confidence visit how to get rid of man boobs info
About the Author
Gordon Battle writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.