Worldwide, breast cancer is the second most common of all the cancers after lung cancer and it is the most common cancer in the UK. In the last ten years the breast cancer rates in the UK have increased by 13%. So what can you do? Just because the rates of breast cancer have been becoming larger of late this doesn't mean that you cannot do anything positive to reduce your chances of developing this cancer.
These 5 simple steps have been scientifically proved to reduce your chance of developing breast cancer and following them will improve your general health as well.
1. Drink less (alcohol)
The increase in drinking and binge drinking in the UK could be one of the main reasons that numbers of cases of breast cancer recorded are increasing. There is an increased rick of about 7% for every alcoholic drink consumed on a daily basis for women. Researchers estimate that around 2,000 of the 40,000+ yearly cases diagnosed is due to alcohol consumption. However, drinking moderatlely is probably the best idea for your all round health as some drinks (for example red wine) can be beneficial to other aspects of you health such as your heart.
2. Change your Diet
Researchers have estimated that 25% of diagnosed cases of cancer could be avoided by a change in diet. You have all heard the advice that we should get our "five a day" and where breast cancer is concerned, this could really pay off. Scientists suspect that consuming large amounts of animal fat could increase your risk of breast cancer. These factors are demonstrated in Japan. Japanese women have a diet very high in fruit and vegetables and very low in animal fats and the cases of cancer found in these women is very low.
3. Check yourself regularly
It is important to check your breasts regluarly, but few people know just how easy it is. The best way to check your breasts is to use your hand in a "paddle" shape and gently rub in a circular motion to check for hard lumps, often a way to tell if these lumps are anything out of the ordinary is if the lumps have a very defined edge. Breasts are naturally lumpy, especially when you're on your period, but once you begin to check yourself regularly you will be able to tell if there are any unusual lumps. Another thing to look out for is signs of an unusual dimpling of the skin. Stand infront of a mirror and raise your arms slightly, this should make it easier to spot any dimpling. If you spot any of these signs or your breast or nipple shape changes suddenly you should go to your GP and get yourself checked out.
4. Exercise
Obviously, exercising is a beneficial step to take for your all round health and fitness, including decreasing your risk of developing all kinds of cancer. A study carried out in the US found that women who exercise regularly before their menopause can decrease their risk of dveloping breast cancer by 23%. They also found that the exercise is most beneficial for girls and women aged 12 to 22.
5. Maintain a healthy weight
This step goes hand in hand with point 4. Obesity has been directly linked to diagnosed cases of breast cancer but only with women who have already gone through the menopause. It has been estimated that maintaining a healthy weight could mean that 12,000 people in the UK would avoid developing breast cancer. Obesity also increases the likelyhood of developing many other types of cancer.